Keeping regular visits to your dentist

Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings will help keep your teeth in the best possible condition. You may be stellar at brushing and flossing on a regular basis but you can still end up with plaque deposits in certain areas. This can lead to cavities and gum disease if they are not removed. We sometimes tend to only react when a serious problem develops. Your oral health is important, not just for your teeth but for your overall well-being. We recommend that you be proactive and invest in your oral health by scheduling regulars cleaning and checkups. For your entire body to be happy and healthy then you need to keep your mouth healthy!

Your dental exam includes a thorough examination of the teeth, gums and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Cavities and gum disease are just two issues that may be occurring in your mouth. A thorough exam can also show other problems, such as misalignment of teeth, wisdom teeth and oral cancer. Your initial dental exam provides us with a plan for what needs to be monitored moving forward.

Having your teeth cleaned on a regular basis is the best way to keep gingivitis at bay. Special instruments are used to get into all the places that your regular brushing and flossing miss. Plaque deposits are eradicated, leaving your teeth smooth and clean. Also, during this time, the depth of pockets around each tooth are measured to look for signs of gum problems. Early detection of gum disease is important for your oral health.